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Brisbane Libraries offer thousands of downloadable or streaming e-books, audiobooks, video, comics and magazines from a number of different providers. Each provider offers different titles, so it is best to search in the main library catalogue first and follow the links to the items. Many devices can be used to download, read, listen to, or view the digital collection items and further instructions are available to help with these. You must be a current library member, and you will need your card barcode number and your PIN to access the digital collection items.
Here are some fact sheets to help understand how to find e-books, audiobooks and e-magazines in the library catalogue:
The OverDrive collection is a large digital collection of e-books, audiobooks, graphic novels and magazines for all ages. It includes a wide range of Australian and international titles, literary and genre fiction as well as best sellers and recent releases. Libby is the name of the app used to read and listen to books in the OverDrive collection. More about how to download, read and listen to this collection is in the Overdrive and Libby - Downloading e-books, e-audiobook and e-magazines FAQ
The Bolinda collection is a large digital collection of of audiobooks and e-books for all ages. It includes a wide range of Australian and international titles, literary and genre fiction as well as best sellers and recent releases. BorrowBox is the name of the app used to read and listen to books in the Bolinda collection. More about how to download, read and listen to this collection is in the BorrowBox - Downloading e-books and e-audiobooks FAQ.
The Ulverscroft collection contains hundreds of downloadable e-audiobooks including bestselling authors and popular fiction. uLibrary is the name of the app used to listen to audiobooks in the Ulverscroft collection. More about how to download and listen to this collection is in the Ulverscroft uLibrary - Downloading e-audiobooks FAQ.
Do I need an e-Reader device for e-books?
E-books can be read using the appropriate apps on most compatible Apple and Android tablets and mobile devices, or downloaded to computers using Adobe Digital Editions software.
If you prefer to use a dedicated e-reader, you will usually need to first download the e-book to a computer using Adobe Digital Editions software and then transfer it to the e-reader. Some e-readers can directly connect to part of our e-book collection.
To download e-books to computers or transferring to e-readers, please follow our BorrowBox e-books for Web browsers and OverDrive e-books for Web Browsers instructions. Extra help is also available on the suppliers’ websites.
Please note that there is no Amazon Kindle-compatible borrowing available to Australian public libraries. (The Kindle Fire is considered a tablet and as such may be able to access part of our digital collection.)
Some video introductions to digital collections can be viewed from this link: Getting started with the digital library